Thursday, January 31, 2008

Linux ssh autologin with putty


ssh autologin with putty

This article shows how to do it when

connecting from a windows machine using putty to a linux box.

1. download PuTTYgen and start it.

2. at the bottom of the window, select SSH2 RSA

3. click generate and start moving your mouse over the blank part of
the window until the bar is filled and it shows some more options.

4. change the key comment to something meaningful like the name of your computer or you

5. save the private key (and if you want for later use, save the public
key too, but we don’t need this one for our auto login)

6. copy the public key from the textarea at the top of the window and
paste it into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your server you want
to logon in the home directory of the user you want to logon as. if
this file doesn’t exist yet, create it. (you may again want to
save the copy/pasted key to a text file on your computer in case you
have some more servers you want to auto-logon, so you can always open
it and copy/paste it from that file)

7. start putty and load your server settings

8. go to Connection–>Data and enter the username you want to
login as in the up most field “Auto-Login username”

9. go to Connection–>SSH–>Auth and choose the newly
reated private key file you saved before in the last field
“Private key file for authentication” by hitting the browse

10. go back to Session and save all these settings.

now your’re done. from now on you will automatically be logged in when you open a session to that server

somem more tutorials for this and other os’s can be found here:

More here for linux as well

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Spyware trojan and virus removal tools

Hijackthis is one of the best. More here :

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PHP and Related

I just installed Apache/PHP5/MySQL on my Windows PC with XP Home OS. I followed the Tut Installing PHP under Windows  by Matthew Phillips Referred to in the Post: Easy to understand Apache/PHP/MySQL install on XP box

This worked OK aside from a couple obvious differences. I had the most troube getting MySQL configured with PHP and had to do some searching to find the answer. Here is what I had to do to get it working.

In the Apache httpd.conf File at 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf' You have to add these lines for PHP5

LoadModule php5_module php5apache2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

In addition to installing MySQL etc. I had to do this to get MySQL to work:

1. Make sure that you have a valid php.ini in your windows directory.
OR (Per the tut the 'php.ini' can be installed in the 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2' folder. This works fine.)
2. copy libmysql.dll to the system32 directory (php_mysql.dll would not load without doing this)
3. set the extension_dir in php.ini to the ext directory of your PHP installation directory (like e.g. extension_dir=C:\php5\ext)
4. enable the MySQL extension in php.ini by uncommenting the line extension=php_mysql.dll
5. Restart Apache Server

Check this link for latest php host Useful open source apps: Online exam - TCExam (sourceforge project) perfect for online exam .( Fixes: Remember to add the user right (with groups , date format is yyyy-mm-dd) Install the application through the application. project management Drupal - an excellent content mgmt system. Joomla - similar to Drupal Imageflow - image gallery showcase.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tomcat enabling security using Catalina.policy

Add the -security option in the startup script of catalina

For debugging security information have below setting in catalina

The catalina.policy file should be present under $tomcat/conf/

Change the catalina.policy as required by checking the debug information

To check acess failures use the below:
grep -v "access allow" /usr/local/sso/logs/catalina.out |more

Note: -v is used to invert the search pattern.

or use
grep -v "access allow" /usr/local/sso/logs/catalina.out |egrep "domain|denied" |more

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Pega is a collection of rules linked to a business process

Pega = Rules Engine + Business Process

It is smart as it is built for changes and has all the capabalities required in a SDLC(s/w development life cycle). Here is a few:

- An inbuilt Versioning system.Excellent feature to manage releases. Never seen such good feature in my career in other products.
- An inbuilt clipboard and tracing tool for debugging. Rule inspector for debugging HTML on the fly. What else do you want with zero developer configuration.
- Inbuilt security system. Imagine building security in J2ee world , it is really a pain.
- A interface to view/design/manage the work flow from any corner of the world. Just have a browser and you are done. You setup the server environment once. No need to setup any other environment  for individual developer. 
- Object oriented.
- Java Based and inbuilt internationalization support
- Can include new java libraries easily (Rule-utility)...
- Smart product for smart people.
-  Excellent external service integration
- It solves most of the repeatedly occuring problems in a J2ee webapp development and hence a sure winner. Most problems are captured as rules which can be changed easily.
- Rule testing capability like Junit in java.

What it lacks in V4.2(correct if i am wrong)
- Sucks lot of Memory. Maybe deu to the rules stored in memory.
- Customizing the user interface layout takes a hell lot of time and effort. Also depends on the skillset of the developer.
- Didn't find a worthy information of handling back button in a work flow. Going back from one flow to another is not possible.
- How do we support AJAX? Portlets , etc? Is it there in V5 ?
- Hard Core *Coder* will not like it as it is not as flexible and tunable. :)
-Bigger learning curve of rules. But with it's feature its worth.
- Not open sourced :-).  If it get's opensourced no other product can beat it.

Useful links 
Forum for pega
Question and answer

Developer notes 1 

More to come here
-How to develop pega app from scratch quickly
-Best Practices
-Essential rules what a pega developer should know.
Another developer blog on its experiences: