Friday, December 25, 2009

The Pareto principle - 80-20 rule

Pareto Principle is the observation (not law) that most things in life are not distributed evenly.
  • 20% of the input creates 80% of the result
  • 20% of the workers produce 80% of the result
  • 20% of the customers create 80% of the revenue
  • 20% of the bugs cause 80% of the crashes
  • 20% of the features cause 80% of the usage
And on and on… References:

Monday, December 14, 2009

Webdriver with Lift

A briefing on webdriver is here:

Applying lift makes tests more readable:
LiFT allows writing automated tests in a style that makes them very readable, even for non-programmers. Using the LiFT API, we can write tests that read almost like natural language, allowing business requirements to be expressed very clearly. This aids communication amongst developers and customers, helping give all stakeholders confidence that the right things are being tested.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

For your eyes only

Eye defender - take a break

Troubleshooting Oracle connections related problem

/* Display the number of sessions created for this db connection */
select username,schemaname, osuser,machine, terminal, program, type, module, event,service_name sid,  command, status from v$session

SELECT name, value FROM gv$parameter WHERE name = 'resource_limit';


I think one of the nicer things about Maven is pluggability ( apart from ability to have mulptiple profiles).

Maven release plugin abstracts a bunch of task to be performed pre-release. This plugin comes default with maven 2.x.

This simple command does all the hard work for you:
  mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform

This cleans any previous release config, tags the release, increments the snapshot version , commits themand finally sends artefacts to proxy maven repository(like archiva).

1. This happened when I tried using release feature for the first time.
It would fail saying cannot tag the release.. inspite of able to commit the code with version changes.


Also check the scm config in your pom


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Spring interceptor ordering

SimpleUrlHandlerMapping uses a hashMap to hold the interceptors. Ordering can only be guaranteed by setting  order property.. By default it does a random get from the hashMap.

I was wondering if such things goes live by getting a right do they get caught as their order is  random without explicitly saying so.
Maybe spring should warn us upfront..(or maybe it does?)

Useful link :

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Subversion patch release

Releasing a patch to an already released (tagged) trunk would need some steps to be done.
Though it would take time it seems like a best practice to keep the code in sync across tags/ branches/ trunk.

The details:
a. Create copy of latest released tag into your branch B.
b. Fix bug in branch B
c. Copy fixed branch B to tag+1
d. Merge branch to trunk.
e. Remove branch.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ubuntu - linux

Setup ubuntu today.
First impressions:
- Very simple to install (very simple partition manager).
- GUI looks similar to fedora.
- Music started playing without any messy configuration( had to struggle to get it working on fedora)
  Bundled radio stations started singing the melody....
- Was looking around for a cool applications equivalent for ubuntu like "easylife" installer in Fedora.
sudo aptitude install [application name] looks reasonable but not so cool like eaylife.
- Windows XP gets automatically detected and drives get auto mounted.
- More to come..

Useful links:
Linux problem determination
Show all running process

OSGi - Open Services Gateway Initiative

Distributed in the form of a bundle.

Take it to the server side
An interesting read to start off web app development using osgi with tomcat

Spring DM (dynamic module) + osgi

Cleanup dirty code using the power of regular expressions

In eclipse search for all irrelevant comments and clean them up:
For finding all comments blank use >> (?m:)/\*\*(\r\n)+(\s)+\* @[^/]*/
Note: m tells eclipse to search multi line.

   * @see ...

The above pattern can be cleaned up very easily with pattern above.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Behaviour-driven development in Java - Junits evolved ?

As TDD is more of running junits(at a very unit level) and hence we focus very little in writing tests which check code as a functional unit.

BDD(behaviour-driven development) fills up this gap I think and is more closely aligned to developers way of thinking.
I see it more like an organized functional tests in code!

As such system work in unison and not just as a small unit. Hence a boundary has to be defined as to which all parts of the system should be tested and how based on time/money tradeoffs ?

Implementations of BDD for java:
Implementations of BDD for groovy: Easyb


Friday, August 21, 2009

Speed up your maven build

Imagine a company having 10 modules each depending on the other. Lets say building it would take 15 minutes using maven.
So the team would spend roughly in a day - (noOfBuildTimesPerDay x 15 minutes) x developerCount. This is bad.
Some options : "mvn clean install" is good for small/medium sized projects but not for bigger ones. Trade-off between time and space is always there. When space is not a major constraint , we can gain time by "mvn clean install -Dmaven.compile.fork=true -Dmaven.junit.jvmargs=-Xmx512m -Dmaven.junit.fork=true" With mvn clean, delete on windows is slower, instead if we rename it could boost the build time. This cut the build time by around 30% on my PC. Thats an improvement isnt it.
I think it would be a big improvement if maven can reuse the classes generated by
eclipse. Also having an exploded war deployment is an option to reduce pack and unpack times.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Real-Time Tracking and Tuning for Busy Tomcat Servers

A very nice article which details on possible options for tomcat server monitoring to tweak its performance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Free your mind with mindmaps

Mindmaps help you quickly organize and load the knowledge into your brain. Also the noise words are minimal in a mindmap and hence our thinking pattern becomes clearer.

Some usefuls:
For presentation
for vocabulary

For a free software goto -
online -

Friday, June 19, 2009

Eclipse and Idea hot key bindings

Ok our developers use IDEA and Eclipse. And we do pair programming.
Hmmmn I dont want to learn another set of key bindings...!!

Here is the solution:

Using eclipse keys from idea:
  • Idea supports Eclipse key binding built-in;
  • you just have to switch to eclipse key bindings using preferences dialog;

Using idea key's from eclipse:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tomcat Exploded war - cut deployment time

The time taken for a webapp to be packaged into a war, deploy and then have it unpackaged in tomcat container can be reduced. Simply have the exploded war deployed.  This could save time for developer!!

Steps to make exploded war deployment:

1. add this under pom.xml >> plugins



2. mvn war:exploded tomcat:undeploy tomcat:exploded
--This keeps the war exploded, undeploys the webapp context and copies over the exploded build to tomcat using the tomcat manager.

Also a better option to deploy to different servers and also generating the war ( instead of configuration above):
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true  war:exploded tomcat:undeploy tomcat:exploded -Dmaven.tomcat.url=http://localhost:8080/manager -Dtomcat.password=admin -Dtomcat.username=admin

Refer for more

Monday, June 1, 2009

Etags - request header tags to speed up your site .

An ETag (entity tag) is an HTTP response header returned by an HTTP/1.1 compliant web server.

There are 2 possible implementations :
1. Shallow Etag
           - An MD5 hash is computed for first request from the response content and set in the response header by the web filter.For subsequent requests, the filter retreives the previous etag and checks with the new etag computed using the response content.

   -etag is computed after page is rendered on the server.
   - Doesnt work for pages with dynamic content per request (like date/time).
   Spring 3 has this support. It is called ShallowEtagHeaderFilter.

2. Deep Etag
     -This avoids page computation at a much granular level. Uses hibernate interceptors and is not so straightforward to implement. Spring 3 is yet to support this approach.

infoq article

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Texter - An auto text expander

I just cant imagine how many times I would have typed the same sentence again and again...
Texter to the rescue.... thanks to Adam Pash!!
As the source is open for viewing, there is no nasty spyware in it I suppose!!
It is built using autohotkey for windows. Its scripting mode is excellent. Check this for syntax.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

XSLT caching Transformers

 The usage of cached transformer objects is recommended here

A sample implementation of CachingTransformerFactory is here

The above code abstracts the caching of Transformer objects using HashMap's.

In brief it says to override the TransformerFactoryImpl and cache the transformer objects. The xsl updates are dealt by checking the timestamp on the XSL file.
Hence no need of a web service to update XSL transformer cache!!

Using TransformerFactory.newInstance() ,
there will be absolutely no code change. The Services API will look for a classname in the file META-INF/services/javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory in jars available to the runtime. More here...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cron jobs

Cron actually an UNIX tool.

Cron expressions:
* * * * * *
seconds minutes hours "day of month" month "day of week" year

Except year rest all are mandatory.
The details are here

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

JSP implicit objects printer

copy paste the below and include it using <%@ include file="jspPrinter.jsp" %>

<%@ page

Enumeration enames;
Map map;
String title;

// Print the request headers

map = new TreeMap();
enames = request.getHeaderNames();
while (enames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) enames.nextElement();
String value = request.getHeader(name);
map.put(name, value);
out.println(createTable(map, "Request Headers"));

// Print the session attributes

map = new TreeMap();
enames = session.getAttributeNames();
while (enames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) enames.nextElement();
String value = "" + session.getAttribute(name);
map.put(name, value);
out.println(createTable(map, "Session Attributes"));

map = new TreeMap();
enames = request.getAttributeNames();
while (enames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) enames.nextElement();
String value = "" + session.getAttribute(name);
map.put(name, value);
out.println(createTable(map, "Request Attributes"));


<%-- Define a method to create an HTML table --%>

private static String createTable(Map map, String title)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

// Generate the header lines


// Generate the table rows

Iterator imap = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (imap.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
String value = (String) entry.getValue();

// Generate the footer lines



// Return the generated HTML

return sb.toString();

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And the name was with DNS

Find out dns server ip address under:

Windows  C:\>ipconfig /all

Linux:  $ cat /etc/resolv.conf

Wildcard DNS: refer this

Wildcard DNS and apache virtual host setup here

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rewrite rules in apache and IIS

Well we can control how the server serves stuff to clients by defining rewrite rules.

As servers are dumb, its important to explain well about the rewrite rules. For example you should explicity say when a rule matches a URL pattern, no need to seek for further rules('L' flag).

The most interesting part is the regular expressions used for rewrite rules. This I will discuss sometime later...But to do some hit and try use me.

Okie, first with apache:

The rewrite rules are handled by module mod_rewrite. This reads the rewrite conf file configured in httpd.conf.

Include the rewrite rule path in httpd.conf >> VirtualHost >>
    Include /path/to/rewrite.conf

Define a rewrite rule file /path/to/rewrite.conf
All set. Ok now the details on rewrite rules:

#This says that rewrite engine is on. This can be configured in httpd.conf as well.
RewriteEngine   On

#for debugging only
RewriteLog logs/rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 9

#check if a condition is true:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$

#if true above then only apply the below rule(s).
RewriteRule    ^/?$          /journal/index.html [PT]

#RewriteRule    has the syntax RewriteRule
Pattern Substitution [flags]

The important flags are:

L - Stop the rewriting process here and don't apply any more
rewriting rules
R - Redirect. Must have 'L' flag usually with this(to stop processing further)
N - Re-run the rewriting process
P -This flag forces the substitution part to be internally
forced as a proxy request and immediately
NC - No case .This makes the Pattern case-insensitive
PT - pass through to next handler . Works with alias..Used rarely??.

Lots more on Configuration Directives for apache rewrite rules go here:

Gotcha : To apply a rewrite rule based on the request parameter you *have* to use
RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING} ^param=value
By default the RewriteRule does not apply for request parameter

On ISAPI rewrite rules for IIS:

Though it is supposed to be a clone of apache mod_rewrite to help IIS do the redirections there are some differences. There are more ISAPI_Rewrite directives for IIS like RewriteHeader ,etc
More or less the syntax match (thank god) and should be easy if u know apache rewrites.

More on IIS rewrite rules here

Monday, March 30, 2009

SMTP mail from windows using telnet

Reference here

To summarize:
telnet host port

helo myMachineName

mail from:

rcpt to:

This is a sample mail.  [Press . and enter to complete message.]


Friday, March 13, 2009

Liferay - web 2.0 made simple!

Like Drupal or Joomla CMS/portal solutions in the PHP world we have few good open source java solutions. Liferay is one of them.
This product was chosen by my previous employers client( a large online media publishing house of USA). This is when I got a chance to play around with liferay for around 1 year. 
This client wanted to upgrade their media sites to latest technology but with minimum costs and the so called web2.0. Liferay was evaluated and given a choice by our onsite/offshore Archtects.
"Brian Chan, Chief Software Architect and founder, began development on Liferay Portal in 2000 to provide nonprofit organizations with an open source solution to facilitate collaboration on the Internet. He has since steered Liferay to become a leader in innovative open source enterprise solutions. With a strong foundation in software architecture and economics, Brian has solidified open source as a low-cost, high performance solution for the enterprise. His expertise in portal architecture and design has garnered him a seat on the JSR-286 portlet specification committee "
What liferay has is - a well organized and fusion of the best java/open source technologies.  
Most organizations end up reinventing the wheel- doing a portal after spending time in evaluating, building and testing different open source technologies. For example web/service/persistence tiers, RSS feed, blogs, theme design, etc would need enough effort . A complete lifecycle is required to get things going. If they are not well organized they end up with maintenance nightmares or issues when trying to extend it features.. 
The technicalities:
You name a buzzword in Java/J2ee (No EJB please) and they have it
To list a few java buzzwords what Liferay Portal has:
    Web Services,
         REST, WebDAV
          SSO(CAS), ESB support, modular, pluggable
    Performance and scalability:
          Clustering, Caching (ehcache), page/portlet caching.
    Supported standards:
        AJAX, JSR-168/286(for portlets)
    Uses best of the breed open source technologies
        To name a few - jquery, lucene, spring, hibernate, struts, velocity, ehcache
    SOA, SSO, Web2.0 features - wiki, blog
    Most databases supported.(Persistence tier uses hibernate)
Content Management:
    Document Library - JSR-170  
    Versioning/workflow/webdav/image gallery,etc.
    SEO/Site map, rich text editors, friendly urls
Themes and layout:
    jQuery standardized
    hot deployable
    velocity based.
More here
A video to create a journal article on a site so easily is here
A few numbers to show its popularity:
Google returns
    363,000 results for "Liferay portal" (exact search including quotes)
    1,710,000 for liferay
Started in 2000 9th year of development.
Liferay Community forums:
# of Categories: 41
# of Posts: 77,263
# of Participants: 8,524
300+ articles
  • This open source product is being used by many users. Hence well tested and best practises incorporated. Also there is a large active community support.
  • Most importantly by embracing an open source product like liferay, it would keep the organisation up to date with latest technologies. It is just a matter of upgrading to never version.
  • Also most common problems like single sign on, RSS, indexing/searching, etc are already solved by applying the best practises. With such a readily available integrated technology stack, migrating to newer technologies becomes much more easier.
The worries:
  • As it is bundled with lots of technologies, it becomes heavy weight. But with liferay's a modular architecture, this can be customized and hence minimized. 
  • Like any new technology, a steeper learning curve is involved. Once a transition happens it should be worth the investment of time and money.
  • Customizing liferay to the organizational needs would take time as we need to match the companies infrastructure to liferay's architecture.Eg: The database schema is designed for liferay. How do we customize it? This is where you got to burn your midnight oil...
  • Liferay has virtual hosting support. But to integrate with the existing infrastructure, it would take enough time and research.
  • "Its a black box with lot of complex things going in it. It may go out of control as we dont know what is happening inside.. " As it is opensource it is transparent and you are free to fix it for yourself.
Some good links:
Videos :
An issue tracking system :

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jooming with Joomla

The amount of work needed to get a site up and running especially the front end XHTML design part i A LOT.
I came across one excellent CMS solution which can very well be used to develop plain vanilla websites.
The results are really amazing. I feel it is much better than Drupal in terms of ease of use and its rich admin features..
It has millions of plugins and themes to choose from. Once you get the knack of placing the plugins and
using themes into your site, virtually you can achieve amazing results with very less coding effort. Here are a few notes for Joomla 1.5: Positioning in CSS is the key for each module. You need to understand the positioning after reading the CSS. The module name is the key in css that needs to be mentioned in the new module's postion attribute. Eg: left, top, right, user3, use4 , etc To add a search box in home page Extensions --> Module Manager -->new--> search To add a menu Extensions -->Module manager --> new --> menu. Be careful to give the position of the menu as the one in HTML News in home page Define a section news, then a category for news. Add article for this category. Extensions--> Module manager --> new --> news flash Choose the category which holds articles for news..thats it. Contact us Menus --> new --> Internal link--contacts Gallery Download a plugin extension like MorfeoShow. Add this module and configure.. Watch out for this space. more to come....joom jooom joooooomla

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring MVC

Spring has many controllers.
SimplefFormController is an interesting one to work with.
I try to disect this in this blog posting.

TODO: More to come here:

A good source for understanding is available at

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Lucene is an excellent text search engine. Solr a sub project of lucene provides web based interface handling XML requests and executing XML commands . "Solr is more of a general-purpose search server, and it assumes you already have structured data (like catalog data, music collections,etc)." Nutch again a sub project of lucene is an excellent web crawler. "Nutch is more like an open-source google... it's for crawling, converting, indexing, and searching websites." Assuming you have an existing J2ee application with struts and hibernate. The following major components/classes would be required if we consider to use lucene or solr: 1. Search Index writer: This will use existing hibernate methods/APIs to read the records (which need to be searched) and create lucene indeces. The index can be stored on the disk or in a database via JDBC. Lucene calls these index records as documents and will have relevant information to display in search result.
2. Search index reader: This will read the index stored(on disk or database by step 1.) and return the search result. There is no hibernate method calls involved as the lucene index is separate from database. To display the search result, the struts action classes would need to be altered/added. However on click of the search result for details of the record, the existing struts/hibernate(if it is available) functionality will be used to display the details of a record.
Basically you can think of it as a search engine implementation(like google) where you index the records(like websites) and search results will contain only the basic information. The detailed information is delivered on click of a link on search result.

Coming to Solr, this is basically a web service wrapper on top of lucene. Under the hood it also builds lucene index. The advantage of Solr being it is web service based so it is easy to sync index in a distributed environment. Also it provides caching, index syncing etc out of the box.

Gotchas and Tips: Sorting: Need to maintain a duplicate field which is NOT_ANALYZED. **** sorting is case sensitive ***** sorting field value can be having a fixed max length say 20 ... this improves performance. Indexing: Analyzer used for indexing and searching should be the same. StandardAnalyzer can be extended to have HTMLStripReader and ISOLatin1AccentFilter. Links: Syntax supported: Solr + Jquery sample: