Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jboss overview

At a high level :  EJB container + Servlet container  = Jboss application server

With more and more web applications turning to spring and hibernate tomcat is more than sufficient. But I am writing down the jboss details here as part of my porting project investigation work.

Default Port: 8180
http:[jboss]/jmx-console makes managing server easier using mbeans.

JBoss Directory Structure

bin/  :Scripts to control JBoss
: Libraries for use by remote clients.
  : it's documentation!
:Core libraries.
: Services hosted and served. Your apps go in here.

               There are three sample configurations: default(security, transaction services and RMI), minimal(logging and hot-deployment) and all(Everything in default plus clustering, webservices) . Thee folders under this are useful:

  conf/     Meta-information for the configuration.
  data/     Data store for JBoss. This directory is created by JBoss when the configuration is started for the first time.
  deploy/  Location for the deployed components - dynamically scanned do detect any additions or changes made while JBoss is running (hot-deployment). Put apps here.
  lib/        Libraries (in addition to the core ones) required by this configuration.
  log/      Service specific logs. Like data/ this directory is created by JBoss on first instantiation.
  tmp/     Used as temporary store by JBoss. Similarly to log/ and data/ this directory is created by JBoss.
  work/    Used for JSP caching.

You can run your own instance of jboss under server/ and starting it from bin/run_[instance].bat ..what this batch file should do is set environment variables, and start jboss using org.jboss.Main -c [instance name]


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Liferay CMS/ web content management/ workflow/ staging

Liferay out of the box has a web content management system. The web pages can mostly have these web content (articles) as web pages. The web content resource are organized as below: In liferay control panel you have the following for CMS: Article Holds the content. The article fields can be configured using a structure. Can belong to a type. Can apply a category. Can be tagged. Stored in DB column journalarticle.content as xml. Web content list and web content article portlets use these articles. Structure Defines all the fields the article will have like text input, text area, image input,etc . Also the velocity template can access these fields using the names configured here. Template An article can be displayed using a velocity template. Template can have a structure applied to it. So an article on using a structure can choose one of these templates. Tags and categories Provides a way to organize articles. Document library Documents can be uploaded. They are stored in the database. There is a document library portlet for managing this. Image gallery Holds images. These are available for article. More on the workflow staging later...
Please refer my other post here for more