At a high level : EJB container + Servlet container = Jboss application server
With more and more web applications turning to spring and hibernate tomcat is more than sufficient. But I am writing down the jboss details here as part of my porting project investigation work.
Default Port: 8180
http:[jboss]/jmx-console makes managing server easier using mbeans.
client/ : Libraries for use by remote clients.
docs/ : it's documentation!
lib/ :Core libraries.
server/ : Services hosted and served. Your apps go in here.
There are three sample configurations: default(security, transaction services and RMI), minimal(logging and hot-deployment) and all(Everything in default plus clustering, webservices) . Thee folders under this are useful:
conf/ Meta-information for the configuration.
data/ Data store for JBoss. This directory is created by JBoss when the configuration is started for the first time.
deploy/ Location for the deployed components - dynamically scanned do detect any additions or changes made while JBoss is running (hot-deployment). Put apps here.
lib/ Libraries (in addition to the core ones) required by this configuration.
log/ Service specific logs. Like data/ this directory is created by JBoss on first instantiation.
tmp/ Used as temporary store by JBoss. Similarly to log/ and data/ this directory is created by JBoss.
work/ Used for JSP caching.
You can run your own instance of jboss under server/ and starting it from bin/run_[instance].bat ..what this batch file should do is set environment variables, and start jboss using org.jboss.Main -c [instance name]
With more and more web applications turning to spring and hibernate tomcat is more than sufficient. But I am writing down the jboss details here as part of my porting project investigation work.
Default Port: 8180
http:[jboss]/jmx-console makes managing server easier using mbeans.
JBoss Directory Structure
bin/ :Scripts to control JBossclient/ : Libraries for use by remote clients.
docs/ : it's documentation!
lib/ :Core libraries.
server/ : Services hosted and served. Your apps go in here.
There are three sample configurations: default(security, transaction services and RMI), minimal(logging and hot-deployment) and all(Everything in default plus clustering, webservices) . Thee folders under this are useful:
conf/ Meta-information for the configuration.
data/ Data store for JBoss. This directory is created by JBoss when the configuration is started for the first time.
deploy/ Location for the deployed components - dynamically scanned do detect any additions or changes made while JBoss is running (hot-deployment). Put apps here.
lib/ Libraries (in addition to the core ones) required by this configuration.
log/ Service specific logs. Like data/ this directory is created by JBoss on first instantiation.
tmp/ Used as temporary store by JBoss. Similarly to log/ and data/ this directory is created by JBoss.
work/ Used for JSP caching.
You can run your own instance of jboss under server/ and starting it from bin/run_[instance].bat ..what this batch file should do is set environment variables, and start jboss using org.jboss.Main -c [instance name]