Netherlands is a beautiful country close to the sea with lot of water locked land area sprinkeled with natural beauty trees and flowers. Also the geometrically aligned buildings, trees, electrical poles and roads definitely needs to be praised.
The train and bus network is one of the best but expensive if you dont know how to make best use of the options available. I herewith make my best effort to help you getting around and accommodation search esp. in Amsterdam.
1. Travel
Useful websites
The train and bus network is one of the best but expensive if you dont know how to make best use of the options available. I herewith make my best effort to help you getting around and accommodation search esp. in Amsterdam.
1. Travel
- Bus is the widely used mode of travel by expats and with highest connectivity. There are various companies who run the service like GVB, Connexxion and EBS.
- Metro is available in Amsterdam which connects majority of the places. Tram also go through some of these metro lines.
- Train is of two types. The super fast Intercity and super slow Sprinter. Link
- Bike/ Cycle. The cycle lane is all around the country and people enjoy cycling even in a Suit.
All the above can be accessed using an OV Chipkart card. First you need to buy an anonymous blue card. Later you can order a personalized yellow card which can be booked online.
Money saving tips on travel:
Order the yellow card online and opt for a monthly buss pass based on Zone you prefer to travel from work and home. The zones you will choose can be 1, 2, 3 etc and costs Euro 50,85, 125 or so, and you can travel unlimited in these zones.
Trains are relatively more expensive. To get discount go for a 20% peak hour discount(peak hours are work travel hours like 6:30 am to 9:00 am and 4:30 to 6:30 pm) or a 40% off peak hours discount and weekends.
2. Accomodation
Most Indians stay in Amstelveen (30 mins by bus to Amsterdam). Hotels are very very expensive and do not have cooking facility so best to get into shared house .
Options - shared flat or house. Cost is around 1200 for single room flat or 1800 for double room in Amstelveen. So many go for shared house to avoid too high costs.
Useful websites
- (Dutch)
- Facebook groups like Indians in Amstelveen, Indians renting shared flat in Amsterdam/Amstelveen/. Very useful for short term room search.
- is for B& B but always be careful it might get cancelled anytime.
3. Language
Most speak Dutch by default but would be ready to talk in English when asked. All sign boards and documents are in Dutch so it would be good to know few terminology
Oost - East, Westen - west, Noord - North, Zuid - South
Outgang - exit , Ingang - Entrance
danke - thank you, doei - bye, tot ziens - good bye
Use google translate and app
4. BSN and registration of address
BSN - Burger (civilian) service number. It is like SSN or Aadhar number here. Once you arrive you are supposed to get it for getting a bank account or any service. All services are provided through appointment.
Registration of address is required to confirm you are staying and for any government related claim purpose ( i think)
5. Taxes in NL
Taxes are very high in NL around (20-52%). Most of the working professionals fall under the 35% tax bracket. So for expats there is a 30% ruling option
30% ruling : Basically 30% of your gross salary will not be taxed.
Eg: You earn Euro 5000 per month gross. then you pay tax for 70% of your earning that is Euro 3500. 30% of it or Euro 1500 is without tax. So total you earn is (say at 35% tax slab) Euro 3775.
The tax slab depends on how much you earn in a year (like India tax system with tax slabs and range between 20-52%).
Useful tax link
6. Visa
HSM visa is required for working non-european nationals eg: Indians
Schengan visa for tourists to travel around Europe. Link
Taxes are very high in NL around (20-52%). Most of the working professionals fall under the 35% tax bracket. So for expats there is a 30% ruling option
30% ruling : Basically 30% of your gross salary will not be taxed.
Eg: You earn Euro 5000 per month gross. then you pay tax for 70% of your earning that is Euro 3500. 30% of it or Euro 1500 is without tax. So total you earn is (say at 35% tax slab) Euro 3775.
The tax slab depends on how much you earn in a year (like India tax system with tax slabs and range between 20-52%).
Useful tax link
6. Visa
HSM visa is required for working non-european nationals eg: Indians
Schengan visa for tourists to travel around Europe. Link
I hope to write more about points 5. and 6. soon.