Tuesday, May 8, 2018


npm install -g bower
npm install -g polymer-cli

Quick start
mkdir my-app
cd my-app

1. Create skeleton project
polymer init
//Press the down arrow until polymer-2-starter-kit is highlighted and press the enter / return key to select.
2. Run from the folder created
polymer serve --open

3. Run tests
polymer test --open

Next steps:
1. add element
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-checkbox

Polymer video: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/5743-introduction-to-building-polymer-web-components

HTML5 video tag:
1. https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_video
2. Open video tag : (set chrome inspector >> settings >> Elements >> show shadow DOM
3. Components made of :
HTML templates  - the html that defines the web component eg: HTML for video tag
Custome elements - The things that gets injected into the shadow DOM
Shadow DOM
HTML imports
4. Anatomy of a web component:

//html here

5. Without Polymer also we can create above components
var sr=DOMelement.createShadowRoot();
6. Polymer - API written by google to create shadow DOM web components.
Includes pre-written web components.
Browser support is limited but provides polyfills for older browsers

Provides things mentioned in point 3.
HTML templates  - the html that defines the web component eg: HTML for video tag
Custome elements - The things that gets injected into the shadow DOM
Shadow DOM
Model driven views
Web animations
Pointer events

PPT: http://slides.com/bobbijvoet/redux-polymer-8#/26

Thursday, April 19, 2018


1. Download cassandra
Key notes
Session replication on database


C - Consistency.. Cassandra provides eventual consistency
A - Availability
P  - Partitioning ...processing can continue in the face

CQL - Cassandra query language

Let’s start with a short survey of some of the key concepts of Cassandra:

Cluster – a collection of nodes or Data Centers arranged in a ring architecture. A name must be assigned to every cluster, which will subsequently be used by the participating nodes

Keyspace – If you are coming from a relational database, then the schema is the respective keyspace in Cassandra. The keyspace is the outermost container for data in Cassandra. The main attributes to set per keyspace are the Replication Factor, the Replica Placement Strategy and the Column Families

Column Family – Column Families in Cassandra are like tables in Relational Databases. Each Column Family contains a collection of rows which are represented by a Map>. The key gives the ability to access related data together

Column – A column in Cassandra is a data structure which contains a column name, a value and a timestamp. The columns and the number of columns in each row may vary in contrast with a relational database where data are well structured

desc keyspaces

use demo
desc tables
desc department;

Friday, February 16, 2018

Nederlandse vocabulaire

Greetings :

  • Goede[morgen/middag/avond] --> Good morning/afternoon/evening
  • ("KHOO duh MORE khen")  ("KHOO duh midakh")  ("KHOO dun AH fohnt")

Directions :

  • Noord Zuid Oost West  --> north south east west

Salutations :
  • hallo("HAH low"), hoi("hoy") --> hi
  • doei, tot ziens  --> bye ,see you
  •  ("dooey" or "dookh")    ("toht zeens")
  •  dank je    -->  thank you
  • Bedankt ("buh DAHNKT")—Thanks
  • Meneer ("muh NEAR")—Mister
  • Mevrouw ("muh FROW")—Miss, Mrs.
  • Alstublieft ("ALST oo bleeft")—Please or if you please (formal)

een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen tien  -->  one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

Dutch poetry:

Vocabolario Italiano

Buongiorno  --> Good morning
Buonasera  --> Good evening
tuttala vitta, va bene --> alright
ciao  --> Hello,hi
addio --> bye

tutto bene --> everything good
tutto a posto  --> it's all OK
a posto is in place
si  --> yes
va bene allora  --> alright then
yes, ok is va bene  --> yes, ok is fine
bravo --> good   (it could be good guy, but also able guy)

ci vediamo domani  --> see you tomorrow

il domani non muore mai  --> tomorrow never dies
buon compleanno  --> Happy birthday
contento  --> Happy