Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Speed reading techniques

Did you know that most of us use only 4% to 10% of our mental abilities?

Speed reading is not just about reading faster; it's about learning to use much more of the extraordinary powers of the Mind.

1. Eliminate sub vocalization

When you read, are you aware of an inner voice that follows the words as your eyes move across the page or the computer screen? This inner voice is called 'subvocalization'. You probably experience it as a slight movement in the tongue or throat region. As long as you subvocalize, you limit your reading to the speed of normal speech, to about 300 w.p.m.

The Mind is capable of thinking much faster than that. So when you subvocalize, you're literally holding back your mind. Try this exercise:

As you read, count to yourself, silently, from one to ten. Or, repeat the sound 'Eee', 'Eee', 'Eee'. It will be impossible to do this at the same time as subvocalizing, so this is an excellent way of
breaking the habit of subvocalization.

As you do this exercise, you'll become aware that you're no longer processing the words in the tongue/throat region but in an area called 'thought stream' that you experience in the top of your head.


There's a mismatch between reading speed and thinking speed. The Mind is constantly racing ahead of the inner voice and so it gets bored. You experience this as an inability to hold your
attention on what you're reading. You have to back-skip words, or read the same line twice.

As your reading speed catches up with your thinking speed, reading becomes much less tiring and your comprehension improves.

2. Eye movements
Once you've got a feeling for reading in 'thought stream', the next thing to do is speed up your eye movements. This will also help break the habit of sub-vocalization, since your eyes will be moving
faster than you can possibly subvocalize.

Your eyes move across the written page in a series of quick jumps. Between each jump there's a stop lasting a fraction of second, called a 'fixation'. The fixation is when the eye actually takes in the written word.

The untrained eye takes about a quarter of a second at each fixation, and takes in 2 or 3 words per fixation.

By speeding up you eye movements, you'll learn to make fewer fixations per line and take in more words per fixation.

Try this exercise:

If you use a glass 'anti-glare' screen, draw 2 vertical lines in felt-tip, 5 cms apart, so that you have a strip 5 cms wide located over the middle of the text you are reading.

Now move your eyes in a 'Z' pattern down this central strip, at a speed faster slightly faster than is comfortable.

Because your Mind is not reading each word, it is forced to 'fill in the gaps'. This engages much more of the Mind, since it has to build associations and patterns in the written material. This in turn
leads to greater comprehension and increased memory of what was read.

This technique takes advantage of the fact that much of written English is highly redundant; a lot of words can be skipped without any loss of meaning.

When your eyes move down a central strip of the text, you also engage much more of your peripheral vision. And that in turn brings the right hemisphere of the brain into the reading process. You make much more use of the right-brain's ability to synthesize and build relationships within the material.

So speed reading is not just about reading faster; it also allows you to access much more of the brain and thereby increases your comprehension and creativity.

Some more on Incresing reading speed
As our eyes move across the page they make a series of jerky movements. Whenever they come to rest on a word that is called a fixation. Most people fixate once on each word across a line of print.
In order to make our speed increase we must take in more words with each fixation, rather than make our eyes move faster.
1. Try to avoid focusing on every word, but rather look at groups of 2 to 3 words. For instance, this sentence could be grouped in this manner: for instance / this sentence / could be grouped / in this manner
2. Work on vocabulary improvement. Familiarize yourself with new words so you don't get stuck on them when you read them again.
3. If you find yourself moving your lips when reading, force yourself to read faster by following (1.) above so that you can no longer move your lips.
4. Read more! 15 minutes a day of reading an average size novel equals 18 books a year at an average reading speed!
5. Determine your purpose before reading. If you only need main ideas, then allow yourself to skim the material. Don't feel you must read very word.
6. Spend a few minutes a day reading at a faster than comfortable rate (about 2 to 3 times faster than your normal speed). Use your hand or an index card to guide your eyes down the page. Then time yourself reading a few pages at your normal speed. You'll find that often your normal reading speed will increase after your skimming practice.
7. If you have poor concentration when reading, practice reading for only 5 - 10 minutes at a time and gradually increase this time.
8. There are several books on increasing reading speed available in most bookstores. If you are serious about increasing your rate you may want to work systematically through one of these books.


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Virtual box gotchas

Virtual box 

  - creates guest OS virtual machines on host operating system (the ones you use enerally) 

By default the resolution of the guest OS will not be same as host os (your actual os). You will need to install Guest additions and switch to Seamless mode after the os is started.

Running VPN within virtual box :

Open VPN in windows 10 virtual machine with DNS blocked on VPN gateway:

    Context: The Open VPN server on company network was not supporting external DNS resolution . This was probably blocked by admin for security reasons.  The suggested approach was to use dnsmasq which is supported only on mac /linux. But i was on windows 10, hence had to find an alternative. I tried Acryllic DNS proxy client. Basically AcryllicDNS does dns resolution on the local system. 

1. Below is result of DNS resolution with Acryllic DNS running and open VPN off

c:> nslookup


Server:  UnKnown


Non-authoritative answer:


Addresses:  2a00:1450:4009:81d::200e

You see above the DNS got resolved using Acryllic DNS running on

2. Below is result of DNS resolution with Acryllic DNS running and open VPN running

c:> nslookup 


DNS request timed out.

    timeout was 2 seconds.

Server:  UnKnown   Address:

DNS request timed out.

    timeout was 2 seconds. ...

*** Request to UnKnown timed-out

As you see above the problem with DNS resolution when open VPN is on .


Note: By default DNS server of choice was picked from the open VPN  ethernet adapter TAP. This can be switched to use localhost ( by setting the metric on adapter (Adapter properties >> IpV4 >> Advanced settings >> metric = 5). 

Basic commands

1. To list all the registered VMs: vboxmanage list vms

Network commands on windows :

1. ping -t

2. tracert []  ([] is the DNS server to override)

3. route print  ( After tracert we can run this to check the route you amazon packet took ;) )

          4. ipconfig /displaydns  [ /flushdns ]



1. For fixing screen resize one needs to install guest additions plugin for virtual box. Sometimes it doesnt do anything on clicking Device >> Insert guest additions.

Fix : Insert Guest Additions simply inserts a CD. That's it. If your guest supports Autoplay and it is enabled, the installation will start. Otherwise you'll have to start the installation manually. More details on the user manual, ch. 4.2.


2. Coming out of scaled mode : hit right CTRL + C , right CTRL +L to come out of seamless mode

3. Guest doesnt resolve dns when open vpn is connected

VBoxManage modifyvm "<VM name>" --natdnshostresolver1 on

As a result, guest OS DNS requests will be intercepted and resolved using host DNS API, rather than having guest OS connect to external DNS servers as with --natdnsproxy1 on.


4. Connecting from mac Guest OS to windows host os (as guest additions was not working):

       1.Shared the windows folder (right click folder >> properties >> share)

        2. ON virtual box VM config, add another adapter 2 called Bridged adapter. This will create a bridged network adapter for which you fix a static ip say

        3. From Mac Guest open Finder (icon in the panel) >> Click Go menu >> Connect to server. Enter Ip Thats it shared folder appears.

          Refer link

References :