Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Single Sign on - OpenSSO

Single Sign on using OpenSSO.

OpenSSO was earlier called as access manager.
OpenFM is openSSO + federation (Cross domain support?)

It was a herculian effort to get it going with openfm/OpenSSO.

  1. Access Manager(opensso/openfm) configuration:
Mainly it seems to be having bugs in the user interface of the webapp it provides.
  • First thing I came across when deploying the openfm.war on linux was as below:

  • -First time when we go to http://localhost:8080/openfm and try to
    configure the openfm, it gives a error with no stack trace nothing . It
    misleads you with a path to log file which you can find in their(sso
    developers) dreams.GRRRR.
  • Had to search around
    in Red hat linux Enterprise edition 5. Later figured that it creates a
    folder with name @BASEDIR@ under tomcat/bin/... Who can imagine a
    cryptic folder for logging sso errors that too under tomcat/bin/...
    Wasted almost 1.5 days on that ....
  • In another version of linux, the above didn't work out. It was in tomcat logs catalina.out. Lucky!!
  • The
    problem usually tends to be due to wrong JDK. The Sun JCE comes as
    default with Sun JDK but not with IBM JDK. The Sun JCE is used for
    encryption of password by open SSO.

  • Another important thing. First time you setup access manager you should
    be careful. Next time, if you try setting it up(by deploying new
    openfm.war) , it complains. Under windows u can simply delete the
    access manager folder created during installation (default is C:\Doc and settings\user name\)...
  • Under linux it should be somewhere under /home/ by default. Search using locate access manager. The custom path would be the one which you setup openSSO using Configurator.jsp.
  • If
    you mess up access manager by configuring authentication chain or data
    store, the work around is use the default module=DataStore as URL parameter eg: http://localhost:8080/openfm/UI/Login?module=DataStore
Then you can login as amAdmin
  • By
    default the openfm ships with set of authentication plugin like JDBC,
    LDAP based , etc .Our requirement needed to compare the user entered
    auth password with MD5 encrypted password. Hence had to build a custom
    authentication plugin. Luckily sun provide service provider
    interface(SPI).Implementing this was a major effort as there is hardly
    any documentation or forum talking about it.Took a short cut by
    extending the sun provided
    and over riding transform() method. It works smooth

To add a custom authentication plugin, follow the below steps:
  1. Move the custom

    authentication jar which you wrote (opensso_xmp_plug_v1.0.1.jar) into
    the ~/openfm/WEB-INF/lib folder.All the related property files should
    be on class path.

  1. Copy the custom
    Authentication JDBC configuration file. amAuthxmpJDBC.xml into ~/openfm/WEB-INF/classes
    folder.Refer amAuthJDBC.xml in the same folder for creating a similar one for your custom auth module.

  1. Register the module in abailable under openfm/WEB-INF/classes to have
    amAuthXMPJDBC.xml. (Add amAuthxmpJDBC.xml at the end)

  1. Copy XMPJDBC.xml into ~/openfm/config/auth/default
  2. Restart tomcat.
  3. Login to Access Manager, Goto
    -- Authentication --Core
  4. Enter as New Value and click on Add to configure
    the new service.
  5. Go to Access Control and
    select the realm (opensso). Click on Authentication > Module Instances
    and Add the previously configured XMPJDBC module to the authentication
    chain as shown below: Save the information.
  6. Now the Login of opensso will use xmpJDBC module as default for
    authentication. If you want to login with the amAdmin user,
    module=DataStore need to be added to login URL (like
  7. Login with a valid userId and password (sample
    The user is taken to the successful login page.

  • Once a user is logged in successfully, the access manager by default
    looks for the user's profile through Id repo. This is the default
    behaviour. This can be over ridden by setting the property in
    realm(opensso) -- Authentication -- Advanced (look profile) to ignored.

  • Using custom com.sun.identity.agents.filter.SSOTaskHandler class, we can
    insert a session attribute which is used by the SSO agent/application
    for auto login (discussed later , for now agent is like a client to
    open sso). The sample code is below:
public class SSOTaskHandler extends AmFilterTaskHandler implements ISSOTaskHandler
public AmFilterResult process(AmFilterRequestContext amfilterrequestcontext) throws AgentException


TODO: J2EE agent
The agent J2ee 007 would be hiding in the web application root web.xml(as AmAgentFilter) to provide secured access. ;) is where the whole good behaviors of the badly behaving J2ee agent is configured. This is generated by amadmin tool and updated later. Check it below for only the important parameters to manually update

com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.enable = true
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.redirect.uri = /agentapp/sunwCDSSORedirectURI
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.cdcservlet.url[0] =
com.sun.identity.agents.config.cdsso.clock.skew = 0[0] =

com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.application.handler[] =
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.uri[DefaultWebApp] =/web/xmpXMS/logout
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.request.param[] =
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.introspect.enabled = false
com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.entry.uri[DefaultWebApp] =/web/xmpXMS/home
# - notenforced.uri: A LIST of URIs for which protection is not enforced
# by the Agent.
# - notenforced.uri.invert: A flag that specifies if the list of URIs
# specified by the property notenforced.uri should be inverted. When
# set to true, it indicates that the URIs specified should be enforced
# and all other URIs should be not enforced by the Agent. Entries in
# this list can have wild card character '*'.
# Example of notenforced.uri:
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[0]=*.gif
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[1]=/public/*
# com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[2]=/images/*
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri[0] =
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri.invert = false
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri.cache.enable = true
com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri.cache.size = 1000

# - Specifies the debug level to be used.
# The value is one of: off, error, warning, message. ******** Funny thing, debug is missing but it actually is very useful for developers********

TODO: Web Agent

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