Excellent podcast spanning from spring framework, AJAX to cloud and grid computing. Must see
"It's not important that you know everything -just the important things." — Miguel de Unamuno
My lenovo 3000 N200 was sick last week.
I have a dual boot win xp and fedora 9 setup. It worked for a few months..Then the agony...
The laptop would shutdown suddenly, or while booting and sometimes it even would wake up by itself although it was shutdown (like a zombie). Scary !!.
After some initial struggle and making dozens of calls to Lenovo support centre, a techie told me that N200 has a problem with BIOS and I had to reset it to defaults.
Well I did it. Guess what - my windows xp BSOD started showing up on startup.
Fedora 9 also was crashing now.
Luckily I had fedora 9 setup cd and after a re-install things were normal with fedora. However the windows BSOD persists.
Tried to get hold of a windows XP cd, but unfortunately though I am able to but up with win xp, it simply says setup is now checking.... and simply hangs with Black screen...Seems like it's not able to detect HDD
Anyway I got fedora 9 with internet working fine.
However I had a problem with sound. As per a forum i setup sound and it worked like a charm. The fix was:
In /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base add a line
options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo.
Restart, voila sound's good.
Next with fedora, i was not able to play mp3,
After some searching around, I got a cool tool for fedora 9, it is named easylife - an opensource project. This installs all the required software on fedora at one go. Like skype, adobe, flash, etc. Everything is taken care under the hood.
next flash on fedora was not working..
Had to checkout if it was 64 bit installation using $uname -a
Yes it was for me and hence followed below instructions:
Installation on Fedora 64-bit
The following steps are required for Fedora 64-bit users.
First install the Adobe YUM repository, as stated above:
[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install nspluginwrapper.{i386,x86_64} pulseaudio-libs.i386 libflashsupport.i386 [mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install flash-plugin [mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo mozilla-plugin-config -i -g -v
This was adapted from the Fedora 9 Release Notes.
NOTE - PulseAudio - I was able to hear sound properly in both Gnome and KDE in Firefox when PulseAudio was enabled.
I'm yet to try this link to revive win xp.. are many good ready to use commons libraries from apache. These should have been in JDK. Often we fail to use their feature and spend time and effort to reinvent the wheel. I make an effort to brief the practical usage of these libraries here: 1. commons-lang public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof Institution)) return false; Institution rhs = (Institution) obj; return new EqualsBuilder() .appendSuper(super.equals(obj)) .append(this.getSubscriberId(), rhs.getSubscriberId()) .isEquals(); } public int hashCode() { // Don't be tempted to use reflection here - Hibernate throws a major wobbly :( return new HashCodeBuilder() .appendSuper(super.hashCode()) .append(getSubscriberId()) .toHashCode(); } public String toString() { // Don't be tempted to use reflection here - Hibernate throws a major wobbly :( return new ToStringBuilder(this) .appendSuper(super.toString()) .append(getSubscriberId()) .toString(); } 2. commons-digester -This provides a wrapper to parse XML. Usage: Digester articleDigester = new Digester(); articleDigester.addObjectCreate("art", ArticleXMLTO.class); articleDigester.addCallMethod("art/fm/bibl/source", "setSource", 0); //setSource is a setter in ArticleXMLTO articleDigester.addCallMethod("art/fm/cpyrt/year", "setCopyrightYear", 0); //for publication date. articleDigester.addCallMethod("art/fm/history/pub/date/day", "setTempPublicationDay", 0); //For passing params to methods.. trialDigester.addCallMethod("MRCT_RECORD/CONTENTS/TITLE/DATA", "addField",2 ); trialDigester.addObjectParam("MRCT_RECORD/CONTENTS/TITLE/DATA", 0, "FIELD-NAME"); trialDigester.addCallParam("MRCT_RECORD/CONTENTS/TITLE/DATA", 1); //For encapsulated objects articleDigester.addObjectCreate("art/fm/bibl/aug/au", AuthXMLTO.class); articleDigester.addCallMethod("art/fm/bibl/aug/au/fnm", "setFName", 0); articleDigester.addCallMethod("art/fm/bibl/aug/au/mi", "setMName", 0); //for a set of objects articleDigester.addSetNext("art/fm/bibl/aug/au", "addAuth"); //addAuth method adds the object to the list. articleXMLTO = (ArticleXMLTO) articleDigester.parse(xml); Simpler than dealing with DOM or SAXing isn't it. 3.commons-configurator Please refer here
This guy is 12 yr old.. and he knows so much of jquery : jquery with jsp Automatic form post jquery plugin: Yes it is infact simple (include a javascript into ur existing page and you start playing with Jquery), light weight(core is just 20KB), pluggable/ extensible(thousands of plugins) and easy to use (implicit event handling, expression evaluation and function chaining). Also its jquery-form plugin( ) makes things much more easier. This takes care of marshalling the HTML input fields automatically at the browser end. There is some work done already on (spring MVC + jquery) Tried a prototype using this and actually it works well with Xstream and Jettison mapped driver . Also converting the existing spring MVC controller to have AJAX capability is just a matter of setting a custom Json View instead of Velocity view. Data can be transferred from browser to server in either of the format: JSON(Java script object notation) or XML. JSON is simple as it gives you a java like object graph and is more popular in open source community. However it lacks XML flexibility (like having attributes,etc) Obviously, having an IDE for jQuery would make development easier especially with code completion and debugging capabilities. There are few of them to evaluate - Aptana and Spket IDE. Jquery Editor:
Textpad tricks Find and replace Input : 66 Urology & Nephrology 737 Spermatogenesis Replace : the bold text in the above input Find Pattern : ^\([0-9]+\)\(.*[a-z \t]+\)\([0-9]+\) Replace pattern: \1 \3 output: 66 737 Spermatogenesis Gotcha's Always escape group by characters ( or ) with \ [backslash] like this \( \) ^ is the beginning of the line $ is the end of the line \n is new line.
Logging is a very useful thing. Without this most of our java softwares are like black boxes. The major problems we face is setting up the log4j. Also trying to decipher the cryptic clues is annoying, like say log4j WARNING No appenders could be found. Who has time to fix these issues.. Well it pays of well if you fix it as I said u cant fix a software problem without seeing what is happening inside. It will be like the movie HAPPENING(Should have been what is happening) ... A few tricks to get the log4j setup: Passing VM arguments -Dlog4j.configuration=file:C:/development/projects/webapp/target/classes/ -Dlog4j.debug=true .....Excellent option to know what is happening inside log4j. commonly used is below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout, R log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout # Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number. log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n log4j.appender.R=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.R.File=example.log log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize=100KB # Keep one backup file log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex=1 log4j.appender.R.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More log to come here... Ref:
<p>Headers</p> <c:forEach var="hdr" items="${header}"> <table bgcolor="lightgreen"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <c:out value="${hdr.key}"> </c:out> </td> <td> <c:out value="${hdr.value}"> </c:out> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </c:forEach> <p>Attributes:</p> <c:forEach var="attr" items="${pageContext.request.attributeNames}"> <table bgcolor="lightgreen"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <c:out value="${attr}"> </c:out> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </c:forEach> <p>Parameters</p> <c:forEach var="pmtr" items="${pageContext.request.parameterMap}"> <table bgcolor="lightgreen"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <c:out value="${pmtr.key}"> </c:out> </td> <td> <c:out value="${pmtr.value}"> </c:out> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </c:forEach>
Where is my windows drive? Ans: inside cygdrive<br />bash$ cd C:/Windows<br />bash$ pwd<br />/cygdrive/c/Windows</pre><br /><b>IIS<br />Changing the default port:<br /></b><table class="list ol"><tbody><tr><td class="number"><small><small></small></small></td></tr><tr><td class="number"><small><small></small></small></td></tr></tbody></table><small><small>Microsoft Internet Information Services versions 4.0 to 6.0</small></small><script type="text/javascript">loadTOCNode(2, 'moreinformation');</script><table class="list ol"><tbody><tr><td class="number"><small><small>1.</small></small></td><td class="text"><small><small>Open Internet Service Manager or Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.</small></small></td></tr><tr><td class="number"><small><small>2.</small></small></td><td class="text"><small><small>If necessary, expand the Web server that you want, and then expand <b>Web Sites</b>.</small></small></td></tr><tr><td class="number"><small><small>3.</small></small></td><td class="text"><small><small>Right-click the Web site that you want to change.</small></small></td></tr><tr><td class="number"><small><small>4.</small></small></td><td class="text"><small><small>Click <b>Properties</b>.</small></small></td></tr><tr><td class="number"><small><small>5.</small></small></td><td class="text"><small><small>Click the <b>Web Site</b> tab.</small></small></td></tr><tr><td class="number"><small><small>6.</small></small></td><td class="text"><small><small>Change the TCP Port Number in the <b>TCP Port</b> edit box (or click <b>Advanced</b> for multiple Port settings).</small></small></td></tr><tr><td class="number"><small><small>7.</small></small></td><td class="text"><small><small>Click <b>OK</b> to save the changes.</small></small></td></tr></tbody></table><br />Ref:<br /></div><small>Environment variable excellent reference :<br />IIS port change ref:<br /><br />IE browser issues<br />Having made a web application live, the user logoff action doesn't actually log off in IE. It works fine on firefox.. So the problem is obviously with the browser. Crap the microsoft IE doesn't handle caching well inspite of setting the pragma in the head tag. You need to put it in the bottom of the page as well.<br />Put the following in top and bottom under html tag<br /><pre><br /><head><br /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache, no-store, private"><br /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="-1"><br /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"><br /></head><br />
Basics set MAVEN_HOME mvn install mvn clean install mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true mvn surefire-report:report It downloads the repository to c:\Documents and Settings\[USER]\.m2\repository Intermediate Setting up maven based projects into eclipse Eclipse needs to find the Maven-downloaded jars for compilation. Under Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variable M2_REPO should be set to ..\.m2\repository Run mvn eclipse:clean --- dletes .class and .project files mvn eclipse:eclipse --- creates .class and .project files using pom.xml (recursively) Thats it. Advanced Steps to create an archetype project: Use below to create a sample archetype meta project. />mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=[com.biomedcentral] -DartifactId=[archetype-spring-jar] -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-archetype Update the archetype [archetype-spring-jar]\src\main\resources\META-INF\maven\archetype.xml Keep all the relevant resource in the [archetype-spring-jar]\src\main\resources\archetype-resources\... and update the archetype with its reference. Install the archetype project itself: />mvn install Now time to use this project generator: mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=-DarchetypeArtifactId= Very useful-DarchetypeVersion= -DgroupId= -DartifactId= This is amazing...From an existing architecture u can clone yours ... A sample command using above for spring hibernate is below: #mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.webtide -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-SpringJpa -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DgroupId=c -DartifactId=ImageLibraryCategoryManager mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:1.0-alpha-7:create -DartifactId=springmvc-hibernate-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-spring -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes A bit on Maven Plugins: 1. maven-dependency-plugin : Debug maven : for copying dependency jars for a standalone app,etc. Reference: -- plugin for eclipse --samples For springmvc-hibernate archetypes use
Useful developer tools: Smart Draw 7 -- for drawing good quality diagrams. Loads of templates to quickly do the task(free). Jude -- Very easy UML developer tool(free). JProfiler -- To profile java application(10 day licence free). Profiler4j -- Opensource profiler for java wink - A good screen capture/presentation tool . Can convert to compressed swf, etc. freemind - a opensource mind mapping tool. currports - for getting the port information on windows. BareTail - A linux tail for windows Archiva - Surround SCM Test Track ProBug tracker. Better use free JIRA bug tracker instead. Mingle - highly recommended for agile process management. But pricy! Sonar - Code report and monitoring app. PuTTY Connection Manager - My favourite. Manage multiple putty consoles in this tab based connection manager. Also the windows can be arranged and split up..excellent!! DownThemAll - Good when you want to download large sized files on firefoxCapistrano - automating remote tasks. Works only for linux Crucible - Code review tool remotely. Confluence- collaboration software. (news, etc) Perfect Macro Recorder ( for automation Best firefox plugins for developers:Others:
- LightShot-- Nice screenshot add-on.
- Firebug -- Best of the breed, javascript debugging, DOM explorer
- LiveHttpHeaders -- shows request header
- UrlParams -- shows get and post params
- iMacros -- macro to automate work.
- tamperData - to check post/get request in fav!
Secure Login - To auto fill login submission.
- web developer - html, css, xhtml compliance, table border...good tool for html development
- bugmenot- to auto login site with dummy password
- autopager - reduce clicks while searching
Firefox AutoFill address bar As you type a web site address into Firefox's location bar, by default a dropdown with suggestions based on your history expands, and you can use the down arrow key to select one. For more aggressive URL auto-completion, head on into Firefox's
- ImgLikeOpera -- save bandwidth
- ScribeFire -- Quickest way to blog from firefox. Type about:config in browser url Then search and update the property display.history.numbertoshow (default is 10) Restart browser. This should list more blogs
- GSpace --virtual file system
- -- online tagging (book marks)
Autocomplete Manager 2.0
area and set thebrowser.urlbar.autoFill
For more check value to true.Firefox Memory Optimization (Ref )
Ref: Firefox plugin development : Tools for firefox plugin development extension developer extension spket ide XUL booster Windows XP performance tuning:
- Open Firefox browser, go to address bar, type about:config and hit enter
- You’ll see a page full with text under 4 columns: Preference Name, Status, Type, Value
- Right-click anywhere on that page and select New -> Boolean
- You’ll get prompted to enter a Preference Name - enter this: config.trim_on_minimize and hit enter
- You’ll be prompted for a value - select True and hit enter
- That’s it - close Firefox and open it again!
- Now, whenever you minimize your Firefox, the amount of memory used will be reduced to approximately 20%. Minimize Firefox and see what happens
- Enable network.http.proxy.pipelining to true
- Enable network.http.piplelining to true
- Enable network.http.pipelining.max... to 30 from 4
- create integer nglayout.initialpaint.delay and set value to 0
- Right click my computer-- properties -- advanced -- performance -- Select adjust for best performance.Appy.
- click start -- run -- msconfig -- startup -- disable all ( note do selective disable if u want to have some programs in task bar).
- Go to start -- all programs -- accessories -- system tools -- disk clean up. This will clean up all crap.
Powered by ScribeFire.
<br /><br />
More to come soon....
First, you need to add a task definition to the build.xml file. This top-level
element specifies that the cobertura.jar file is in the current working directory:<taskdef classpath="cobertura.jar" resource="" /> For eclipse IDE, you need to add the cobertura.jar, junit.jar in the global path of Ant through Eclipse--} preferences--} Ant --} Global entry.
Next, you need a
task that adds the logging code to the already compiled class files. Thetodir
attribute instructs where to put the instrumented classes. Thefileset
child element specifies which .class files to instrument:<target name="instrument"> <cobertura-instrument todir="target/instrumented-classes"> <fileset dir="target/classes"> <include name="**/*.class"/> </fileset> </cobertura-instrument> </target>
You run the tests with the same type of Ant task that normally runs the test suite. The only differences are that the instrumented classes need to appear in the classpath before the original classes, and you need to add the Cobertura JAR file to the classpath:
<target name="cover-test" depends="instrument"> <mkdir dir="${testreportdir}" /> <junit dir="./" failureproperty="test.failure" printSummary="yes" fork="true" haltonerror="true"> <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/> <!-- Normally you can create this task by copying your existing JUnit target, changing its name, and adding these next two lines. You may need to change the locations to point to wherever you've put the cobertura.jar file and the instrumented classes. --> <classpath location="cobertura.jar"/> <classpath location="target/instrumented-classes"/> <classpath> <fileset dir="${libdir}"> <include name="*.jar" /> </fileset> <pathelement path="${testclassesdir}" /> <pathelement path="${classesdir}" /> </classpath> <batchtest todir="${testreportdir}"> <fileset dir="src/java/test"> <include name="**/*" /> <include name="org/jaxen/javabean/*" /> </fileset> </batchtest> </junit> </target>>
The Jaxen project uses JUnit as its test framework, but Cobertura is framework agnostic. It works equally well with TestNG, Artima SuiteRunner, HTTPUnit, or the home-brewed system you cooked up in your basement.
Finally, the
task generates the HTML files you saw at the beginning of the article:<target name="coverage-report" depends="cover-test"> <cobertura-report srcdir="src/java/main" destdir="cobertura"/> </target>
attribute specifies where the original .java source code files reside. Thedestdir
attribute names the directory where Cobertura should place the output HTML.Once you've added similar tasks to your own Ant build file, you generate a coverage report by typing:
% ant instrument % ant cover-test % ant coverage-report
Spring Internationalization web MVC
1. Add two properties files in /WEB-INF/classes:
1) Chinese message file.
2) English message file.
2. Add bean in action-servlet.xml:
[bean id="localeResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver"/]
Spring will set UI language locale and message according to the client-side browser locale configuration.
3. JSP files
1. [fmt:message key="key1"/]
2. Error message
[spring:bind path="account.password"]
[input type="password" name="${status.expression}" value="${status.value}"/]
[span class="fieldError"]${status.errorMessage}[/span]
3. button
[input type="submit" class="button" name="prev" value="[fmt:message key="prev"/]" /]
Spring Internationalization for portlet MVC
1. Add two properties files in /WEB-INF/classes:
1) -Chinese message file.
The Java properties files are created using a native encoding or in UTF-8. This must be converted to an ascii format for Java. This is done as part of the extraction process on the translation website but if you have a manually created file in UTF-8 that needs to be encoded, then use the native2ascii command that comes with with Java JDK.
Call native2ascii to ascii encoding, specifying the original file has UTF-8 encoding:
Eg: native2ascii.exe -encoding UTF-8 chinese_zh.txt
2) -English message file.
2. Update applicationContext.xml file as below:
[spring:message code=”key1”/] where key1 is the key available in file
Note :The Java properties files are created using a native encoding or in
UTF-8. This must be converted to an ascii format for Java. This is done
as part of the extraction process on the translation website but if you
have a manually created file in UTF-8 that needs to be encoded, then
use the native2ascii command that comes with with Java JDK.
Call native2ascii to ascii encoding, specifying the original file has UTF-8 encoding:
native2ascii.exe -encoding UTF-8 chinese_zh.txt
The below JSP is Useful to troubleshoot locale related issues:
//java.util.Locale locale = (java.util.Locale)request.getSession().getAttribute
Locale locale = renderRequest.getLocale();
String language = locale.getLanguage();
String country = locale.getCountry();
out.println(language +" "+country);
// Remember, messagesis the fully qualified name of a bundle in the classpath
// e.g. WEB-INF/classes/messages_*.properties
ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", new java.util.Locale(language, country));
java.util.Enumeration en=res.getKeys();
connecting from a windows machine using putty to a linux box.
1. download PuTTYgen and start it.
2. at the bottom of the window, select SSH2 RSA
3. click generate and start moving your mouse over the blank part of
the window until the bar is filled and it shows some more options.
4. change the key comment to something meaningful like the name of your computer or you
5. save the private key (and if you want for later use, save the public
key too, but we don’t need this one for our auto login)
6. copy the public key from the textarea at the top of the window and
paste it into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your server you want
to logon in the home directory of the user you want to logon as. if
this file doesn’t exist yet, create it. (you may again want to
save the copy/pasted key to a text file on your computer in case you
have some more servers you want to auto-logon, so you can always open
it and copy/paste it from that file)
7. start putty and load your server settings
8. go to Connection–>Data and enter the username you want to
login as in the up most field “Auto-Login username”
9. go to Connection–>SSH–>Auth and choose the newly
reated private key file you saved before in the last field
“Private key file for authentication” by hitting the browse
10. go back to Session and save all these settings.
now your’re done. from now on you will automatically be logged in when you open a session to that server
somem more tutorials for this and other os’s can be found here:
More here for linux as well I just installed Apache/PHP5/MySQL on my Windows PC with XP Home OS. I followed the Tut Installing PHP under Windows by Matthew Phillips Referred to in the Post: Easy to understand Apache/PHP/MySQL install on XP box This worked OK aside from a couple obvious differences. I had the most troube getting MySQL configured with PHP and had to do some searching to find the answer. Here is what I had to do to get it working. In the Apache httpd.conf File at 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf' You have to add these lines for PHP5 LoadModule php5_module php5apache2.dll AddType application/x-httpd-php .php In addition to installing MySQL etc. I had to do this to get MySQL to work: 1. Make sure that you have a valid php.ini in your windows directory. OR (Per the tut the 'php.ini' can be installed in the 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2' folder. This works fine.) 2. copy libmysql.dll to the system32 directory (php_mysql.dll would not load without doing this) 3. set the extension_dir in php.ini to the ext directory of your PHP installation directory (like e.g. extension_dir=C:\php5\ext) 4. enable the MySQL extension in php.ini by uncommenting the line extension=php_mysql.dll 5. Restart Apache Server Check this link for latest php host Useful open source apps: Online exam - TCExam (sourceforge project) perfect for online exam .( Fixes: Remember to add the user right (with groups , date format is yyyy-mm-dd) Install the application through the application. project management Drupal - an excellent content mgmt system. Joomla - similar to Drupal Imageflow - image gallery showcase.
Pega is a collection of rules linked to a business process Pega = Rules Engine + Business Process It is smart as it is built for changes and has all the capabalities required in a SDLC(s/w development life cycle). Here is a few: - An inbuilt Versioning system.Excellent feature to manage releases. Never seen such good feature in my career in other products. - An inbuilt clipboard and tracing tool for debugging. Rule inspector for debugging HTML on the fly. What else do you want with zero developer configuration. - Inbuilt security system. Imagine building security in J2ee world , it is really a pain. - A interface to view/design/manage the work flow from any corner of the world. Just have a browser and you are done. You setup the server environment once. No need to setup any other environment for individual developer. - Object oriented. - Java Based and inbuilt internationalization support - Can include new java libraries easily (Rule-utility)... - Smart product for smart people. - Excellent external service integration - It solves most of the repeatedly occuring problems in a J2ee webapp development and hence a sure winner. Most problems are captured as rules which can be changed easily. - Rule testing capability like Junit in java. What it lacks in V4.2(correct if i am wrong) - Sucks lot of Memory. Maybe deu to the rules stored in memory. - Customizing the user interface layout takes a hell lot of time and effort. Also depends on the skillset of the developer. - Didn't find a worthy information of handling back button in a work flow. Going back from one flow to another is not possible. - How do we support AJAX? Portlets , etc? Is it there in V5 ? - Hard Core *Coder* will not like it as it is not as flexible and tunable. :) -Bigger learning curve of rules. But with it's feature its worth. - Not open sourced :-). If it get's opensourced no other product can beat it. [update] Useful links Forum for pega Question and answer Developer notes 1 More to come here TODO: -How to develop pega app from scratch quickly -Best Practices -Essential rules what a pega developer should know.
Another developer blog on its experiences: