Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Speed typing tips.

Here are a some basic tips, summarized from various typing tutorials and lessons. These tips are useful for taking tests as well as everyday keyboarding:
  • Tap on each key crisply but lightly. If you use minimum force (don't bang on the keys), your fingers will move faster.
  • Type as quickly as you are able, but don't "try" too hard or force your speed or you'll make many mistakes.
  • Relax!
  • Use proper posture, sit upright.
  • Keyboard/monitor positioning: your wrist, elbows and keyboard should be on the same horizontal plane, and at a 90 degree angle to your upper arms.
  • The top of your screen should be near eye level.
  • Stretch your wrists and fingers before starting a typing test (don't laugh, it does help!).
Ref: http://www.calculatorcat.com/typing_test/

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