Sunday, March 29, 2020

Corona virus - immunity, treatment options / research

Corona virus - यह क्या करोना करोना हो रहा है भय्या !
1. Develop Immunity :
   Pranayama - anulom vilom, brastrika, kapal bhati
   Food : vitamin c rich food like lemon juice,  amla juice
   Medicine : swarna bhasma mixed with honey thoroughly,  take 2 drops a day
   Spiritual/scalar: meditation, omm mantra chant,  shank blow, for nitic oxide production

Baba ramdev suggestion for carona

2. Treatment:
    Medicine : swarna bhasma mixed with honey thoroughly and consumed
    Hydrochloroquine? Untested but been recommended as emergency.

3. Prevention :
   Social distance,  quarantine etc

4. Learn :
   1. It has been told the spike protein of virus binds to the cell receptors before injecting its DNA or RNA? into the cell to replicate.
   2. Baba ramdev suggestion for carona
   3. Nano gold colloid treatment  suggested  by captain ajit vadakayil  as per ayurveda suravna bhasma

Why not we as enterpreuners start building/distributing/collaborate for which will help fight carona virus in my opinion. eg :
1.  Patient healthcare:
   Mobile app+IOT based portable ventilators using arduino for patients. Eg:

2. Prevention/sterilization
     - Masks - n95 grade
     - Ozone/UV/gas based sanitizers
     - UV/ozone sterilization booths for say supermarkets/ ATM/enclosed areas

3. Virus testing kit (mobile app based with otg component?? )
5. Vaccine development accelerate
7. IOT virus sensors to detect potential threats??
8. Marketing and distribution of above.

My proprietary builds mobile and web based solutions for small business.. if i can have IOT collaboration,  can create useful products.

  More to come as i evolve in this matter