Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Castor --The XML Marshaller

Forget writing XML parser...Castor will take care of parsing. It generates the java
classes to work with XML.
To use castor, -- put the below lib's in classpath -- ./lib/castor-0.9.9.jar ./lib/castor-0.9.9-srcgen-ant-task.jar ./lib/castor-0.9.9-xml.jar xercesImpl.jar; commons-logging.jar -- Run java org.exolab.castor.builder.SourceGenerator -i test.xsd -dest dtnFolder --optionally specify the package name if required. -- To convert from DTD to XSD use java org.exolab.castor.xml.dtd.Converter dtdFileName newXSDFileName To use the generated code:
  • To run the unmarshal the castor lib should be in class path and follow the sample code herewith.
// Create a Reader to the file to unmarshal from
reader = new FileReader("test.xml");

// Marshal the person object
Person person = (Person)Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Person.class, reader);

  • To marshal an instance of the person class you simply call the Marshaller as follows:
// Create a new Person
Person person = new Person("Ryan 'Mad Dog' Madden");
person.setDateOfBirth(new Date(1955, 8, 15));

// Create a File to marshal to
writer = new FileWriter("test.xml");

// Marshal the person object
Marshaller.marshal(person, writer);

Follow the document of castor for details.

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