Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Spring portlet mvc and spring servlet mvc validation

Spring mvc is easy to get along with, unless we get the basic flow right. We end up wasting lot of time figuring out the flow of control/binding of errors for validation/etc. Spring portlet mvc validation
  1. extend AbstractCommandController or SimpleFormController
  2. In case of AbstractCommandController implement the method handleRenderView(req,res,command,errors)
  3. Important thing to note is that you should return the ModelAndView as new ModelAndView(jspPage, errors..getModel());
  • Note the method handleRenderView() is called even if validation fails. Hence we have to return back the command object having errors using errors.getModel().
Spring servlet mvc validation
  • Implemented a simple form controller.
class ManageProfileController extend SimpleFormController { public ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception { Map modelMap = new HashMap(); return new ModelAndView(forwardJSP, modelMap); } }
  • The configuration in *-servlet.xml is as below (assume dispatcher servlet is configured already)
<bean id="manageProfileController" class="com.TEST.web2.portlet.controller.common.ManageProfileController">        
        <property name="registrationService" ref="registrationService"/>
        <property name="formView"><value>common/manageprofile</value></property>
        <property name="commandClass"><value>com.TEST.web2.model.DpsUser</value></property>
<property name="validator" ><ref bean="userValidator"/></property>
      <property name="successView"><value>common/manageprofile</value></property>

  • On validation error, in servlet mvc, the onSubmit() is not called and the command object is available with errors.
  • To extract the errors in JSP use:
<spring:bind path="command.confirmPassword"> <c:out value="${status.expression}"/> <input name=confirmPassword type="password" style="width:200px; " onKeyUp="document.getElementById('cpw').value=this.value" value="<c:out value="${status.value}"/>"> <font > <c:out value="${status.errorMessage}"/> </font> </spring:bind>

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