Saturday, January 5, 2008


Pega is a collection of rules linked to a business process

Pega = Rules Engine + Business Process

It is smart as it is built for changes and has all the capabalities required in a SDLC(s/w development life cycle). Here is a few:

- An inbuilt Versioning system.Excellent feature to manage releases. Never seen such good feature in my career in other products.
- An inbuilt clipboard and tracing tool for debugging. Rule inspector for debugging HTML on the fly. What else do you want with zero developer configuration.
- Inbuilt security system. Imagine building security in J2ee world , it is really a pain.
- A interface to view/design/manage the work flow from any corner of the world. Just have a browser and you are done. You setup the server environment once. No need to setup any other environment  for individual developer. 
- Object oriented.
- Java Based and inbuilt internationalization support
- Can include new java libraries easily (Rule-utility)...
- Smart product for smart people.
-  Excellent external service integration
- It solves most of the repeatedly occuring problems in a J2ee webapp development and hence a sure winner. Most problems are captured as rules which can be changed easily.
- Rule testing capability like Junit in java.

What it lacks in V4.2(correct if i am wrong)
- Sucks lot of Memory. Maybe deu to the rules stored in memory.
- Customizing the user interface layout takes a hell lot of time and effort. Also depends on the skillset of the developer.
- Didn't find a worthy information of handling back button in a work flow. Going back from one flow to another is not possible.
- How do we support AJAX? Portlets , etc? Is it there in V5 ?
- Hard Core *Coder* will not like it as it is not as flexible and tunable. :)
-Bigger learning curve of rules. But with it's feature its worth.
- Not open sourced :-).  If it get's opensourced no other product can beat it.

Useful links 
Forum for pega
Question and answer

Developer notes 1 

More to come here
-How to develop pega app from scratch quickly
-Best Practices
-Essential rules what a pega developer should know.
Another developer blog on its experiences:


Anonymous said...

A very good synopsis about Pega and its features.

I am a beginner in Pega.

Want to hear more from you.


Anonymous said...

Nice Information, looking forward to more.