Thursday, March 25, 2010

JDK hidden treasures

Couple of tools we occasionally use but knowing them is useful esp. when we want to peek into JVM.

jps  -List the java process running.
eg: jps -m -l

jvisualvm - Visualize all the VMS running. Seems to be a better option than jconsole. Comes with jdk1.6+ i think

jconsole -
eg: TODO: remotely manage Mbeans??

eg: jar xvf --to extract, jar cvf -- to create ?

jarsigner  --useful for signing applets.
jstack --??

java  - The jvm ...
javac  - The compiler

javaw  - As far as I know useful to run a process without sticking it to the console which is opening it. eg: javaw eclipse

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