Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mobile app mania - Phonegap vs Titanium

Sandeep: want platform independent Mobile apps?
Sandeep: Trouble trying to build interface for different mobile platforms
          - iOS - bitten by enigmatic xcode UI designer
          - Stuck with android complex xml for simple UI layout
God: Use HTML + css for frontend.. with phonegap plugin to call the native API.
Trade off: No native look and feel. but HTML +css should do most of the time

Choices: Phonegap or Titanium
Have used phonegap, but limitation is that it is browser based and only one web view so cant do cross domain site based apps. [edit: There is a child browser plugin for that]
yet to figure out how titanium works(though it sounds promising for native view)

Here is some comparison to start with:

And man started creating platform independent apps ...ha ha haah

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