Saturday, December 28, 2024

Visit to kerala kannur calicut

It was a quick day trip from mysuru. Stayed at Sun n tan homestay run by Murali Mohan ( he was electrician in navy ). He was a lovely person played a quick game of chess i won he cried i was distracted by phone.

Beautiful beaches, nice people in lungi flaunting moustache. The sea shores were best. A 2 minute ride on yamaha powered motor boat gave us a sense of seas power.

Visited the kantara museum and st angelo fort built by dutch (it mostly houses prison cells).

i could see mostly muslim women and marriage functions near the place i stayed. Could relate to captain vadakayils blog how hyderali seighed kannur and Tippu converted majority to myuslim and murdering many. The myuslim women in hijab with wierd rounded long nose made me feel yuck. I hardly saw hindu woman walking around. The muslim woman in hijabs in SUVs were roaming freely, i even saw a teen myuslim girl dashing through the ticket counter pushin a man in lungi and his wife between.

ivesg a similar feel when we walk in uslism reaa in ysurum.

The lungi men were well built. Big moustachoids in lungi were like super marios.

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